Alot has been going on behind the scenes over the past three months with specific emphasis on the D30 RPG system.
I've completed three of the four chapters of SourceBook One: The Stygian Conpsiracy and hope to have the last Chapter finished within by the end of this month.
Kodai has informed me that he's been sick for the last week with a stomach virus and thus Chapter Six got pushed back again.
He sends his apologies to his readers.
In addition I've been cleaning up the porno, spam, and other unauthorized links on many of the sigs here that spambots/spammers have been dropping on this site.
It's a long and tedious job, but I'm quite vigilant in my duties here.
I'm announcing right now that I am currently preparing a D30 adventure campaign for the online role playing board. The details of the campaign will be announced when it is ready some time in January of 2011, so keep checking on the online D30 general discussion thread for updates.