Chapter Four:Secret Weapon,OPERATION EXCALIBUR

???:She still alive?
???:Dunno...It was a stun bullet...
???:Meh,this is a pain...
As the the girl's eyes slowly open,she sees two people staring at her.She instinctivly tried to slap them but failed in a result since her hands were tied.
Kallen:What the?
As she remembered what was going on,and the sharp pain in her gut,she was about to let otu a torrent of questions until a loud bell rang
*Intruders!Four Kalzan-Class Support Ships,Two Hunter-Class Scout Dreadnaughts and One Zaliant-Class Support ship!
Raika:What?Now?Dammit,they just had to choose the worst timing..Prep my MS!
Cloud:No,you wont do much good against so many hostiles.Besides,good news.Its finished.
Cloud:yeah.This secret base served its purpose.Lets get ready.
Both of them look at her and say:Later.Not enough time.
As they ran back into the deck,she was carried away into a different room.
Cloud:Time for Operation Excalibur.All systems to full.Turn of life support and activate Xanus Boosters.Switch underground base and prepare to deploy!
Outside,the garage opened and produced a airport-like line,however this had large scaling boosters and support cars running around.There was one red-black ship about as big as a 120-story building there,and all the support lines snapped and the ship took off.
The enemy Kalzan-class support ships sent out large masses of MS's and engaged the ship as the other ships sent supporting fire at the ship.The ship shaked,making Raika fall of balence.
Operator:Eighty percent of energy resonencers filled sir!
Cloud:Thats enough.Detach all support units and prepare for battle!
Cloud:Enemy numbers?
Crewman:Eighty 16th-generaton Lakshidens and twenty 4th-generation Xanxuses.
Cloud:Scramble all MS's,turn on the Acron and Xen type energy cannons.Load all slots with anti-ship and anti-mobile suit missiles,prepare the main cannon.Turn on all interception cannons and ignore the missiles.Activate the Kel-type energy shield.
Raika:Well,im goin.Seeya,hope we can survive this.
Cloud:Same to you.
Raika's machine was colored white-and-red,and had a Guren-like right hand,however it didnt have silver claws and instead of silver claws it had a lance-like arm,but with a null tip where the Fukushado is supposed to's left hand also had a duel-blade with swords on both side,both blades large and gleaming with energy.On the wrist part,it had a small laser cannon and it's wings where loaded with deadly homing missiles.It had daggers on both legs and a sword on the left hip,also with a side cannon on the stomach part.