This is my favorite joke:
How do you catch a polar bear?
SPOILER: answer
This is my favorite joke:
How do you catch a polar bear?
SPOILER: answer
"It is one thing to show a man that he is in error, and another to put him in possession of the truth."
- John Locke
I'm actually pretty insensitive about this sort of thing, so it's good you weren't insulted. I like that particular blonde joke because it's told through story format.
I do apologize to everyone in advance, however. Should I ever insult anyone, that is....
One of my favorite quotes by two of the most interesting people I've had the pleasure of reading about.
George Bernard Shaw telegrammed Winston Churchill just prior to the opening of Major Barbara: "Have reserved two tickets for first night. Come and bring a friend if you have one."
Churchill wired back, "Impossible to come to first night. Will come to second night, if there is one."
The all seeing eye is always watching.
Here are some strange kitties...
Of course he's a Japanese kitty!
Alien kitty...
Psycho kitty...Have you ever heard a cat actually scream?
I hope these videos gave you a giggle today.
"It is one thing to show a man that he is in error, and another to put him in possession of the truth."
- John Locke
This is too much fun.
My thanks to thakandu over at animesuki for posting this:
The all seeing eye is always watching.
Ah, someone else finds fundamentalist-atheism to be as ridiculous as I do.
The all seeing eye is always watching.
This is funny even in Japanese!
The all seeing eye is always watching.
I been in this situation.
The all seeing eye is always watching.
That is just wrong....
The all seeing eye is always watching.
Ahhh, anime...we do love our addiction.
Uh...say again?
We always knew Suzaku would be the one to penetrate Lelouch in the end.
All things in moderation...