Turn Twenty: Siblings

"How many were the hours that we played one against the other? So many matches, so many contests; I still remember how you gnashed your teeth and glared at me that time I beat you seven games in a row. Back then, I had experience over you that came with age. Then some years later we met in an actual struggle, with real Knights, Bishops, Pawns and Queens on the chessboard of Area 11. There I overcame you again, but only because you underestimated me. When we held a second match in that conflict, I moved my King (Damocles) in to solidify my victory, and you used your King (Geass) to win a draw between us. That draw forced you to spare my life so Suzaku, your great Knight of Zero, could take your place as defender of justice in the world. How foolish of you, my brother. You would have been wiser to uplift Kururugi to the status of emperor, bewitch me with your power to be your Bishop, and take the Kingship of Zero for yourself. Then you could have protected our sisters from the pain of being a ruler of a nation hated by the world. Had you done that, the world might have a chance against me should I lift this curse you've put upon me. But little did you or your Suzaku know that I knew there was a Geass temple somewhere in the Antarctic. I bided my time waiting for a chance to seek it out. Fate smiled upon me the day when Nunnally gave me my chance to go there. I knew as soon as I saw the coastline of that frozen continent that fate had chosen me to find a way to free myself from your grasp and undo what you had done, my brother— Lelouch.” —Excerpt from the personal diary of Prince Schneizel el Britannia, dated July 25th, 2024 a.t.b.

"You're moving too far; tighten up your sword strokes," Enoch told Lelouch from where he sat martial arts-style on the matted floor of the now private dojo room of the Ikaruga.
In the center of the chamber, Suzaku and Lelouch stood facing each other in full kendo armor with bokuto swords.
"Wow, Lelouch, I had no idea you knew kendo," Suzaku remarked as they crossed swords again.
"He doesn't," Enoch said in his firm sensei monotone. "He is drawing upon Euryale's sword fighting abilities through his subconscious from her Code."
"And you're trying to awaken those skills in Lelouch?" C.C. asked as she and Euphie nibbled on a cheese pizza on the floor next to and just behind Enoch. C.C. had finished nearly three-fourths of the pizza while Euphie had barely eaten one slice.
"Yes," Enoch stated flatly as Lelouch parried Suzaku with impressive speed. "And after only one week of this he's getting much better at it."
"Can't he just try to access it through his Geass?" Euphie asked Enoch.
"Not according to the findings of the Geass Order," Enoch told her as he intently watched the series of strikes, blocks, and exchanges between Suzaku and Lelouch. "The Code that he has still retains the experiences of every person who had it before him. According to the findings of the Geass Order, a person with a Code should be able to access those memories and experiences and use them provided their body is capable of doing so."
Lelouch stepped to one side and dodged a sword thrust by Suzaku. He spun on his heel and flipped the wooden bokuto sword out of Kururugi's hands. Lelouch raised the weapon in a final blow.
"Lelouch!" Enoch shouted.
Lelouch stopped himself and saluted Suzaku with the bokuto as Kururugi reached down and picked up his own sword.
"You two have been at this for two hours now. Are you tired, Suzaku?" Enoch asked.
"A little," Kururugi admitted.
"Very well." Enoch looked at C.C. "Your turn."
C.C. stood up from the floor and accepted the bokuto from Suzaku. "Shouldn't you give Lelouch a break?" she asked Enoch with a concerned look.
"No," Enoch said. "He needs to learn to control the influence of Euryale's personality on his own during times of weakness and stress. Her bloodlust just came out in him a moment ago, and I want Lelouch to learn to control that in a calm environment like this in case it manifests itself during a moment when it really matters. He must be master of her Code, not the other way around."
"I understand." C.C. smiled at Enoch then turned to Lelouch. "Sorry Lulu, I hope you don't get mad at me about this."
"I would never," Lelouch said in a soft tone. "I too understand why Enoch is doing this, and I'm ready for it because I want to master this power!"
"Good," Enoch grinned. "Then let the match begin."
C.C. lunged at Lelouch. "Here I come!"

* * *

"How much longer until we reach Japan?" Akira asked Kallen as he walked up to where she was leaning on the railing of the ventral-aft observation promenade of the Ikaruga.
"We'll be there within a few hours," Kallen replied with a weak grin as she stared out at the rising sun on the horizon over the ocean. "Why do you ask? Aren't you happy to be home?"
"I'm not so sure," Akira smiled at her. "I don't think Lady-Chairman Kaguya Sumeragi should have sent General Xingke out after Evita with his fleet at half strength."
"Why? A resupply fleet is on its way to rendezvous with his armada." Kallen looked at him with a raised brow. "Their energy fillers will be replenished soon, and Xingke can track that sourly little wench to whatever island brothel Schneizel is hiding her in."
Akira was hesitant before speaking his mind. "Be that as it may, Captain Kozuki, I still don't like running back here. Why aren't we getting replenished with Xingke's fleet? It seems like every time we take a step forward in this war we're forced to take two steps back because Zero has some new plan up his sleeve. It's aggravating...”
"But necessary, Akira," Kallen said. "Professor Lloyd and Rakshata haven't finished with the new energy fillers yet, but Cecile Croomy has discovered that Schneizel's Gefjun wave can't penetrate water with any measurable effect on KnightMare Frames beyond a few meters below the surface due to interference from all the minerals in the sea. Thus, we're going back to Japan to acquire a submarine and hopefully new energy fillers that are Gefjun resistant as well."
"Even so, we can't just leave Commander Wein..." Akira stopped.
"Don't stop yourself on my account, Lieutenant Nobunaga. I'm glad you care so much about Gino," Kallen said, "considering you only knew him for a few weeks."
Akira cursed himself inwardly. "Thank you, Captain, but I still shouldn't have brought it up considering your relationship with Commander Weinberg."
Kallen was shocked. "Relationship!?"
Her reaction befuddled Akira. "Well...yeah...aren't you guys a thing?"
"NO!" Kallen put her arms on her hips. "Where did you get that idea?"
"Well, Lt. Commander Shinichiro told us that we should be careful not to mention Commander Weinberg around you since he was your lover, and that since he was now in the hands of Duchess Evita Ernst, we were to talk about Commander Weinberg as little as possible."
Kallen became furious, but she wasn't exactly sure why. Was it because Gino was in the clutches of Evita? Or because Tamaki was spreading rumors about her that weren't true? Or was it something else...a hurt in her heart that hadn't been there before.
Akira took a step back upon seeing the anger in Kallen's face. "Uh...I'm sorry I brought it up Captain..."
Kallen's fury subsided as the pain in her chest erupted into emotion. She threw herself at Akira and wrapped her arms around him. She wanted to hold someone at that moment, anyone.
"Captain?" Akira blushed as Kallen cried into his shoulder and sobbed violently. Akira forced back his embarrassment and hugged her back. Nobunaga whispered into her ear, "Don't you worry, Captain Kozuki; I give you my word of honor; we will get Gino back."

* * *

"I am so pleased to meet you, Empress Nunnally vi Britannia," Athena said with a thin smile as Nunnally was escorted off the gangway of the Argos, her Knight of Orange, Jeremiah Gottwald, at her side with Jason and Heracles flanking them both.
The great aerial warship Argos sat next to its sister vessel, the Ithaca, within an immense, domed hangar bay within the city of Tartarus, Northern District.
"I wish I could be as cordial as you, Ms. Athena," Nunnally walked up to her slowly, "but I'm afraid that under the current circumstances, I can only say that I'm impressed with your skill as a tactician. I assume it is you who's been working this scenario of global conquest from the beginning and not my brother Schneizel."
Athena, at six feet and three inches, towered over Nunnally as she looked down upon her. "Indeed, from nearly the very start of this operation, I have been in charge of it. Sthenno, the goddess who gave your brother his power, had no idea that I was awake and had struck a deal with your dear brother Schneizel from the time he first left this frozen waste for Kerguelen Island."
Jason and Heracles exchanged confused looks.
Nunnally looked towards them momentarily then turned back to Athena. "Why did you choose a path of war rather then peace? We of Britannia would have helped you leave Earth and supplied you with the necessary sakuradite if you had explained your plight to us."
Athena frowned and raised her chin at Nunnally. "I am not interested in your charity, Empress." Athena lowered her gaze to meet Nunnally's eyes. "I have seen with my own eyes the type of kindness your Britannia has handed down to the people of this world. The thousands that have died and lived under the oppression your empire provided." Athena's expression softened. "Your brother Schneizel was gracious enough to allow me to enter his mind and see for myself what kind of world Britannia has wrought."
Nunnally looked at her in horror.
Athena gently put her hand on Nunnally's shoulder. "Do not worry, Empress. I also know that you are a benevolent leader; even your brother Schneizel was forced to admit that to me. You see, my power, my Geass if you prefer, forces all whom I use it upon to tell me the truth. While that may not seem very powerful to some, when combined with my skill in tactics, strategy, and warfare, it is the most powerful Geass I could hope for."
"Are you going to use your Geass upon me?" Nunnally asked defiantly.
"No," Athena said softly. "Even your enemies marvel at your integrity, Empress Nunnally; I've no need to charm you to know you're telling me the truth. You are an Oracle after all. It is not you, nor the kingdom that you had created that concerns me. It is the future and whoever shall come after you now that your nation is in upheaval. The world as it is now consists of two major powers: a weak, corrupt, and dysfunctional United Federation of Nations, and an empire filled with royals who, even now, usurp the rightful sovereign of their nation in order to quell their own ambitions and solidify a new imperial reign. Neither one will do."
"But Britannia would not be in upheaval had you not intervened," Nunnally said.
Athena waved her hand and scoffed, "Schneizel awoke Sthenno first, and she would have used him to usurp you and then put herself in your place. It has always been Sthenno's desire to rule this world, however, that cannot be allowed lest we violate the treaty we Olympians agreed to with the other former powers of γή (pronounced Gé; Greek word for Earth)."
"Other powers?" Nunnally was intrigued.
Athena was surprised. "Surely you know the legends of Atlantis, Mu, and the other great kingdoms of the gods?"
"Uh...I know some of the old legends about them, but not much of the details." Nunnally studied Athena. "How can you be sure the other powers are still out there?"
Athena gave her a mischievous smile. "Come with me, Empress," Athena motioned to the stairwell at the far end of the aerial ship hangar that led to a series of tubular structures that could only be elevator shafts, "and I'll show you."

* * *

"How goes the battle in Australia?" Xingke asked Tohdoh's image on the main monitor of the bridge of the Yamato.
"We've recaptured the capitol," Tohdoh said with a sigh, "but it's still going to take a few weeks to finish routing the remaining insurgents. What news of your progress in locating Schneizel?"
"We're currently replenishing our entire stores of energy fillers for our KnightMare Frames, but we should be under way in a few hours." Xingke brought up a window on the monitor for Kyoshiro to see. "However, I've sent a scout team to keep track of the duchess' fleet. They're currently two hundred miles from our position hovering just off the Coast of Gambier Island."
"Gambier Island is a nature preserve now, but it did have an abandoned military installation of the old Britannian Empire there," Tohdoh said as he put his hand on his chin in thought. "That could make for a useful base of operations...but why would Schneizel allow Duchess Ernst to lead us right to his front door? It doesn't make any sense."
"I agree," Xingke frowned. "Schneizel is not that clumsy. Chances are this is some kind of trap."
"Agreed," Tohdoh told Xingke with a raised brow, "but we still have to check it out. It is possible that Schneizel views himself as invulnerable due to his new toy and doesn't care if we know where he is."
"Then approaching the island presents its own problem," Xingke said with a scowl. "We can't just rush in to our doom."
"No, I wouldn't even suggest it." said Tohdoh as he formulated a plan. "Where is Zero at this time?"
"The Avalon and the Ikaruga have returned to Japan for resupply and to rearm," Xingke said with clear disapproval.
"Hmmm...that's odd," Tohdoh growled. "What excuse did he use for doing that?"
Xingke cleared his throat intentionally to warn off the nosey sideways looks his bridge bunnies were giving his way. "According to Lady Kaguya, Zero demanded that they return to Japan in order to replace their losses and pick up a few new KMFs that Rakshata had for them."
"He's going at this on his own," Tohdoh sneered. "We're being left out of the loop on this by Zero's design, General Xingke."
"Are you certain, Kyoshiro? We know that Kururugi is no longer Zero, thus this new Zero is a complete mystery," Xingke said with apprehension, mindful of the presence of his bridge crew. "Given the current circumstances and the actions of this Zero, we must assume that this new Zero is either that green-haired witch C2 using an incredible voice modulation device or someone else who possesses the strategic knowledge and similar voice pattern to that of the late Lelouch vi Britannia."
"What do you mean?" Kyoshiro inquired with interest.
"During the battle over Hawaii, we monitored some of the transmissions between the Avalon and the Ikaruga. One such communiqué was between Empress Nunnally and Zero. The conversation was very personal and loaded with undertones that would seem to imply this new Zero knows the empress personally. Also, Zero lost control of his voice during the verbal sparing, and our sound analysis technicians have confirmed that the sound wave generated by this new Zero matches that of Lelouch vi Britannia based on some of the old video footage we have of Zero's speeches during the Black Rebellion."
"I see," Tohdoh fumed.
Xingke was not surprised at Kyoshiro's angst. "Since Lelouch is dead, I can only assume that the Britannians must have cloned him, and this clone is now old enough to take his place as Zero, or they've found someone, perhaps a relative of his, that matches his voice almost perfectly and has intimate knowledge of the Britannian family."
Tohdoh looked at Li with a dark expression. "Or Lelouch isn't dead."
Xingke furrowed his brow. "No offense, General Tohdoh, but we were both there when Kururugi slew Lelouch. There is no doubt that he was killed."
"Where Geass is concerned there is always doubt," Tohdoh grumbled.
"I suppose you could be right, General," said Li with a huff, not wanting to argue the point. "However, that doesn't change the fact that, at least for the time being, this Zero is assisting us against Schneizel and his Greek allies."
"That's true enough," Tohdoh said. "Although, that means we must also acknowledge that Zero is working in concert with Kaguya."
"How do you know that?" Xingke asked.
"Lady Kaguya is the one who sent you to follow Duchess Ernst while she and Zero returned to Japan, is she not?" Kyoshiro pointed out.
"She was the one that gave the order to me in person," Xingke stated firmly.
"I doubt she would have given such an order of her own accord. It's unlike her to be so strategic," Tohdoh snickered. "If Sumeragi were calling the shots on her own, then I imagine you'd be chasing after the Argos not the Duchess since Nunnally is of greater concern to Kaguya than finding Schneizel's lair."
Xingke nodded. "I have to agree with you there. Nunnally is a dear friend of both Kaguya and Lihua. I imagine that only Zero could convince them to return to Japan while the Greeks stole off with Nunnally."
"Which further leads me to believe that this Zero may in fact be Lelouch," Kyoshiro stated.
"I don't follow you," said Li with a befuddled look.
“Assuming that this new Zero knows Schneizel on a personal level,” Kyoshiro raised his left eyebrow, “we can surmise that Zero knows that Empress Nunnally would be safe with Schneizel for the time being, and thus he could return to Japan to acquire whatever equipment he would need to counter Schneizel’s current strategy.”
Xingke sighed. “So, you’re saying that this new Zero is aware of Schneizel’s plan of action because he is behaving in a manner that suggests he knows how Schneizel thinks.”
“Exactly,” Tohdoh said with a smirk.
“That would suggest this new Zero has intimate knowledge of Schneizel’s thought patterns.” Xingke met Tohdoh’s gaze. “If this is the case, what would you have me do now, General?”
“For now, just hold your position there.” Tohdoh brought up a digital window on the viewscreen. “Keep your fleet just to the north of the main Gambier Island, over one of the smaller atolls. The Indian military industrial complex has informed me that the Gefjun disturber Schneizel is using cannot penetrate ocean water beyond a few meters. Therefore, I want you to prepare a strike team of underwater KMFs as your defense perimeter in case Schneizel does use his Gefjun weapon and the duchess takes advantage of this.”
Xingke gave Kyoshiro a short bow. “It will be done, General Tohdoh.”

* * *

“Don’t keep holding back on my account, Lulu,” C.C. said as she parried another swing of Lelouch’s bokuto.
“You know I don’t want to hurt you,” Lelouch taunted her. “How would I get by without my favorite witch?”
“Oh? Is that how it is?” C.C. snickered as she thrust her wooden sword at him. “You’d be lost without me, huh?”
“They’ve been at this for six hours, Enoch,” Suzaku said with concern. “Lelouch hasn’t had a break or eaten in almost nine hours. You need to let him rest.”
Enoch gave Suzaku a cold look. “No. He has learned and mastered in six days what it takes most martial arts students to learn in six times that amount in years. He can’t afford to let up now.”
Lelouch turned his bokuto in towards C.C.’s thrust and flipped the sword from her hands. He brought the sword up to her throat. “Please forgive me, but I believe I’ve won this match.”
C.C. pushed the wooden sword away and winked at him. “Yeah? Does that mean you’ve conquered me?”
Lelouch took off his helmet and smiled at her. “Yes, and all your treasures are now mine, fair lady.”
C.C. leaned in and kissed him on the lips. “I accept your terms of unconditional surrender, my Lord.”
“Ah-HEM!” Enoch glared at them. “There’ll be time enough to reward him later this evening when you two are alone. For now, he has one more opponent to face before we’ve finished for today.”
“One more?” Lelouch asked in surprise. “Who?” He looked at his sister and grinned. “Surely you don’t mean Euphie? Sure she’s learned how to pilot a KMF quite well, we were all trained to pilot them as children, but she's no martial arts expert.”
Suzaku made a cutting gesture with his hand over his throat as he silently mouthed “Lelouch, don't” to his friend.
Euphemia stood up and tied her hair back with an elastic hair-tie. “Lelouch, I’m going to have to make you eat those words.”
C.C. passed the bokuto to Euphie as the pink-haired woman walked onto the kendo mat.
“Ready?” Euphie asked with a wink.
“Don’t you need a suit of armor?” Lelouch scoffed. “I wouldn’t want to hurt one of my favorite sisters.”
Euphemia put the bokuto over her head with the tip pointed towards Lelouch in a combat stance. “I guess I forgot to tell you that I’m a seventh don in gevurah krav maga.”
“What’s gevurah krav maga?” Lelouch asked with a disturbed expression.
Enoch looked at Lelouch and grinned widely. “It’s a highly refined version of Israeli Special Forces hand-to-hand combat techniques and is based heavily on ninjitsu with emphasis on ending the fight as quickly as possible with the greatest amount of force.”
Euphie gave him a warm smile. "Don't worry, little brother; I'll go easy on you."
"You're not still mad at me, are you?" Lelouch asked in a nervous tone.
Euphie giggled, "We'll talk about it later. Right now...your butt is mine."

* * *

Nina Einstein walked along the white marble floor in one of the ornately decorated hallways of Schneizel’s palace as the light of the setting sun washed the whole path in brilliant copper and gold as it shone through the huge picture windows that ran along length of the hall.
Professor Einstein was clothed in her lab coat, white breeches, and a pink blouse, all of which ruffled slightly as a sea breeze came through one of the open windows. She adjusted her hair as the wind blew it out of place, and Nina turned to look out at the ocean beyond.
“This place is so beautiful,” she said aloud to herself. “To think that it’s little more than a prison for me.”
“You shouldn’t say such things,” Kannon said as he rounded a corner at the far end of the hall. He was dressed in a typical Britannian noble’s garments: tight riding breeches; black, knee-high leather boots; and a finely crafted surcoat which had a pair of tails in the back and was high-cut in front. Kannon’s hair was pulled back in a ponytail held in place by a circular, braided, metal band.
“Forgive me if I don’t appreciate being kidnapped to come here,” Nina scowled at him. “I realize that you had no choice in the matter, Kannon, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m here being forced to help a man who’s clearly lost his grip on reality.”
Kannon hung his head. “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist him, Nina.” Kannon Maldini walked up to her and took her hands gently in his. “I never meant to hurt you, Nina.”
“I know, Kannon,” Nina said with a slight smile. “We are all victims of Geass. Even Princess Euphemia was unable to fight against that power, and she lost her life because of it.”
“It’s a terrible thing…Geass,” Kannon said to her as his eyes moistened.
Nina caressed his face. “I know it is…are you still under Schneizel’s power?”
“I don’t know…I don’t really remember when he told me to do what I did…and I can’t remember even doing it,” Kannon said, embarrassed.
“Geass must cause a certain amount of brain damage upon the recipient,” Nina said more to herself than to Kannon.
“Pardon?” Kannon asked, confused.
Nina looked up at him and gave him a warm smile. “I’ve been working on something for a long time, Kannon. Since the end of the Demon Emperor’s reign, I’ve come to realize that it wasn’t Lelouch vi Britannia that destroyed the whole of the Britannian Empire, it was Geass. It was Geass that caused Suzaku Kururugi to fire the FLEIJA that killed millions in Tokyo. It was Geass that caused Britannia to invade Japan. It was Geass that caused the death of Shirley Finette, and it was Geass that has allowed Schneizel to wage this war against the world. Now, once again, it’s causing mayhem and destruction. It is because of the evil and chaos that Geass brings that I’ve been working on finding out the source of this fiendish power. How it is that it’s come into our world, and how it is we can defend ourselves against it.”
Kannon was stunned by her admission. “Do you really think you can put an end to the power of Geass?”
“I don’t know yet,” Nina admitted. “I don’t have enough information about it, but I do know that it manifests itself as both a mental and physical power and that it has properties which allows the body to regenerate itself with what I’ve learned is called a Code.”
“A Code?” Kannon was intrigued.
Nina adjusted her glasses. “Yes, a re-codification of a person’s DNA pattern and thus genetic structure through the power that Geass comes from. Oddly enough, this re-codification is temporary, and a person can revert back to a normal human if this energy is passed onto another individual.”
Her tone startled Kannon. “You sound as though you’re going to war.”
Nina’s expression became cold and hard. “I am Kannon…I’m going to war with the power of Geass.”

* * *

“You fight well for a newbie,” Euphemia giggled as she walked out of the ladies locker room in her Red Dragon jumpsuit, wiping her wet hair with a large towel. She made her way up to where Lelouch was kneeling on the kendo mat; his body shook from exhaustion as it finally rested.
“Thank you, Euphie, but you still beat me.” Lelouch looked around the room.
"Not really. You were pretty worn out by the time I got to test your mettle, and you held your own up until the end." She wrinkled her nose at him. "Which reminds me...you should get out of that stinky armor and catch a nice hot shower, Lelouch."
Lelouch put his hand on the back of his head. "Yeah...you're right." He stood up from the floor and removed his set of bogu (kendo armor) as his stomach grumbled.
“Hungry, huh?” Euphemia said with a smile. “I see Enoch and the others haven’t gotten back yet with the food.”
Lelouch tittered, “Yah, C2 is probably trying to convince him to buy every kind of pizza on the menu."
She laughed, "She sure does like pizza."
"Yes, she does," he smiled back at her as his stomach protested again. He looked down at it. "I guess my body wants food, but I don't really have an appetite right now.”
Lelouch gave her a sad look.
She cocked her head as she asked him, “What is it?”
“I’m really sorry, Euphemia,” he said with a sad smile. “I never meant to hurt you.”
Euphemia walked up to him and hugged him. "I know." Tears welled up in her eyes.
Lelouch's voice trembled, "I couldn't..." He paused to control his voice. "I couldn't stop my Geass. When I gave that order...I didn't mean it."
Euphemia squeezed him tight. "I know...you did what all foolish boys do. You boasted about how great you are, and like all boys, it backfired on you." She laughed through her tears. "I don't remember what happened, but I know what I did, and I don't blame you for it anymore. If I hadn't been so selfish and stupid...so eager to be with Suzaku...I wouldn't have created the Special Administrative Zone and fallen into Schneizel's trap to thwart Zero."
He returned her embrace. "But it doesn't change what I did...I can't forgive myself."
Euphemia touched noses with him and looked into his teary eyes. "Well, I forgive my little brother..." She gave him a devilish smirk while she tried to hold back the tears that ran down her face. "For everything but shooting me...you jerk."
Tears flowed down Lelouch's own cheeks. "You got me back."
She kissed him on the forehead. "Yah, I did...so now we're even, huh?"
"I promise I'll never hurt you again," Lelouch said as they hugged again.
"Thank you, Lelouch," she cried. "I don't know why we can't just be a family...you, Nunnally, Cornelia, me...and even Schneizel. I don't understand him, Lelouch. Why is he such a monster? Why? He tried to kill us all...why?"
"Because it's all he knows, Euphie..." Lelouch spoke softly in her ear yet his voice sounded distant. "The ghost of Charles zi Britannia lives on in him...a twisted, sick fiend who wants nothing less than total domination of the world and annihilation of all those who oppose him. I should have killed him when I had the chance."
Euphie held his shoulders and looked directly at him. "NO, Lelouch! Don't you dare blame yourself for what Schneizel has done! You gave him a second chance and HE chose this path, not YOU!"
The fierceness of her voice, its pain and anguish caused him to sob, "I....I tried, Euphie...I tried to make the world a better place for Nunnally...for everyone."
"I know." She caressed his face and wiped away his tears. "Which is why I forgive you, little brother, and why we're all trying to help you. Enoch sees the good in you. If he didn't, he wouldn't be helping you. He wants you to do what's right. To defend the weak, protect the innocent, and hold individual freedom in the highest regard. It's why he and I want to help you stop Schneizel and save our sisters and our world."
Lelouch forced a smile. "I love you, Euphemia."
Euphie kissed him on the cheek. "I love you too, Lelouch."
C.C. burst into the room and stopped dead in her tracks. "LELOUCH!"
Lelouch and Euphemia were startled and broke their embrace.
Euphie blushed red.
"What is it, C2?" Lelouch asked as he recomposed himself.
"You need to get into your Zero suit immediately and meet Ohgi on the bridge!" C.C. exclaimed.
"Why? What's going on?" he asked, unnerved by her urgency.
C.C. gave him a grave look. "It's Cornelia."