Love the alpha and omega series.How long will it be?please dont tell me u will end it with only 13 chapters T_T its just so incredible!!!This is the best code geass fanfic i ever read!!!Oh,and you should read Code Geass r3 Zero's Requiem on Adult Swim its not that long and has lots of spam,ended long time ago too,but its still pretty good!And on ur free time, mind try drawing this cool idea i got on ur free time?its this Knightmare, it has these wing-like back connections,with feathers n stuff,and the feathers can detatch from the wing and used as a thing to block attacks,or attached with both close-quarters and ranged weapons.Transforms into a bird-like plane,beak of plane can fire a heavy laser,along with other stuffs.....OOH,u should call it the Pheonix!(Sorry if this is time-consuming or annoying,but i just wanted to talk out a idea)I might make my own thread,bu tim too lazy T_T Swim i was anime2754