I have to agree with you on that good sir, that they should release ZZ Gundam in the states, but what with all the regulation's and copyrights needing to be purchased and processed, I dobut that it will be released here. On the other hand we do have things like Amazon.com to but that stuff =D.

Though I haven't watched Gundam 00 I also hear that it is pretty good, but I dobut I will watch it anytime soon.
In my books Gundam Wing AC was the best thing that I loved out of all the gundam series when I was growing up, I used to cheer on the bad guys saying "Go Epyon kill that fool!" and "Oh snap! Wing Zero is here!" Yes good times...good times.

What I am watching right now is Gundam Unicorn and I have to say it is amazing, but with Amuro Ray and Char gone, I find the UC universe a bit lonley. ='(