GOVERNMENT: Earth Federal Space Marines
TYPE: Cybernetic Armor
MODEL: CA-02 Zackary Taylor class
LENGTH (Depth): 2.5 feet
WIDTH: 4 feet
HEIGHT: 6.5 feet
MATERIAL: Poly-Titanium Alloy
POWER PLANT: Federal Energy FESC-60 Solar Cell (1)
OUTPUT: 60 kilowatts
LIFE: 6 hours
ARMOR TYPE: Kevlar Composite
ARMOR WEIGHT: 656.6 pounds (base weight)
CREW: 1 Pilot


             PRIMARY (FLIGHT):
             4x Warptron LFRE-50 Liquid fule rocket engines
             SPEED: 50 mph each (200 mph total)


             PRIMARY (OFFENSIVE):
             1x Handheld MMI SLAMM-7 shoulder-launched anti-mecha missile fusion rocket propelled grenade launcher, the ‘Grand Slam’; Effective Range: 4 miles; Payload: 10 FRPGs in a box magazine; ROF: 1 or 2 grenades per pull of the trigger (2 seconds) or 30 grenades per minute.

              1x Basic Laser Radio Communications array with a 800-mile range.
              1x Simple RADAR array with a range of 10 miles.
              1x Multispectral Video/Optical array with a range of 10 miles.

          By 2073 AD (earth relative, or ER), the Earth Federal Forces had seen the shift in the war with the UN go from a conflict around the Earth sphere to an all-out interplanetary war. This change caused the EFR armed forces to split into two distinct groups: the Earth Federal Space Navy (EFSN) and Earth Federal Space Marines (EFSM).
         This new division of the armed forces resulted more out of the power struggle within the EFR between the Federalists and Eudaemonists than from an actual military need. Though the result was a far more powerful EFR military than they had started with in 2070 AD, the creation of the EFSM also nearly caused a civil war. While the EFSM remained under the control of the EFR during the 2073 through 2077 AD period, two new weapon systems were developed.
         The first of these was the CA-02 cybernetic armor suit. This suit was a modified version of the CA-01 industrial suit developed by Doctors Abraham Krieg and Author Collus at the Apollo Research and Development labs on Earth’s moon, Luna. After both doctors were liberated from Luna during the UN invasion of the Earth sphere, and escorted to the EFSM spacestation NoWhere Station in early 2073 AD, development began on the CA-02. The CA-02 Zachary Taylor was put into full production in preparation for the invasion of Pallas not long after its development was completed because of the EFSM’s shortage of main battlerobots and the vulnerability of the MAT-48s and M2A4s. The suit was named after Corporal Zachary Taylor who was the first person to use the cybernetic suit in combat.
         Millions of these suits were built for both “Operation Minerva” and “Operation Aphrodite”, and for the invasion of Mars. The suit was very heavy and required marines with considerable strength to use the suit even with simple laser weapons or the PG-74 in a normal Earth gravity. However, in space or on low-g planetoids, marines of lesser strength could use the suits without any negligible effect.
         The second weapon system introduced into EFSM service was the Militia Military Industries SLAMM-7 shoulder-launched anti-mecha missile system. This weapon fired a 7-inch diameter fusion rocket propelled grenade that was capable of inflicting considerable damage to UN armored units like the Type-55 MBT or Type-73 mobile tank. This weapon was very heavy, especially when combined with the CA-02 cybernetic armor. Only spacemarines of exceptional strength were issued this weapon; fortunately, many of the EFSM soldiers were of above average strength.